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St. Mary's Junior National School, Rowlagh, Dublin 22

Playground Games

14th Feb 2022

The children in First and Second Class have been adapting well to the new introduction of playground games at big yard on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There is a selection of activities the children can choose from - skipping, chalk, hula hoops, beanbags etc. Each Friday the class who wins the most Dina stickers (Incredible Years - Show Me Five) for lining up the best and following the school rules during yard each day that week, gets to choose which activity their class level will engage with during the big lunch yard the following week. This incentive gives the children ownership over what activities they might wish to engage with during big yard and also encourages positive playground games and interactions with their peers. The children are working really hard in cooperating and engaging positively with their peers and with the activities in a chance to build-up to the introduction of basketball on yard! Keep it going 1st and 2nd!!